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Learn more about the many ways Natural alternatives can help


Learn more about the many ways natural alternatives can help

A note from the creator

At Aeternal Supplements, we value the empowerment of knowledge. Take health into your own hands and learn how Adaptogens and Nootropics interact with the body.  We have gathered and organized information to help ease the complexity in understanding the many ways these Natural Supplements can benefit our health and well-being.

If you have additional questions, or a personal situation you are unsure about with the use of our Nootropic and Adaptogen blends, we encourage you to reach out on our contact page.

Knowledge is Power.

Adaptogens and fatigue
Kenneth J. Good

Fatigue, and How Adaptogenic Plants Can Help

  It’s been a long day. Your feet hurt. Back is sore, and worst of all you’re exhausted. You get some sleep and what the hell? You’re still feeling the same way. Fatigue. The never ending level of exhaustion which shuts us down both mentally and physically. We’ve all been there. It sucks! Especially when […]
Image of CBD droppers and marijuana leaves in a laboratory
 | Kenneth J Good

Adaptogens are plants, typically herbs or mushrooms, which have been found to help your body adjust to all forms of stress allowing you to remain in homeostasis…

 |  Kenneth J Good

“Nootropics, or smart drugs,” are a class of substances that can boost brain performance. These are often referred to as brain boosters. Enhancing Memory, Concentration, Mood, and Learning, while also stimulating Nerve-Growth-Factor or NGF. The process which repairs and forms new neurons.

 |  Kenneth J Good

What research is now finding, is that People can take what is being referred to as Microdosing, and receive all the benefits Psilocybin has to offer. From restoring your brain to boosting creativity.

Adaptogens and fatigue
 |  Kenneth J Good
  It’s been a long day. Your feet hurt. Back is sore, and worst of all you’re exhausted. You get some sleep and what the hell? You’re still feeling the same way. Fatigue. The never ending level of exhaustion which shuts us down both mentally and physically. We’ve all been there. It sucks! Especially when […]
 |  Kenneth J Good
  Are you trying to reduce how much caffeine you drink in a day, or perhaps you’re sick of all the anxiety that comes with coffee? Maybe nothing’s working anymore? No matter what you try, you just can’t get any energy. You’re tired, sore, and in need of a long night of sleep, but also […]
 |  Kenneth J Good
Dementia, the unfortunate deterioration of one’s brain. Across the World, rates of dementia are increasing with rising life expectancy. Right now, 1 out of every 14 people aged 65 or older are suffering and that number increases to 1 in 6 for those over 80. The worst part, we don’t have a cure. Currently Pharmaceutical […]